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Te Mauri

Our organisational values are at the heart of absolutely everything we do.

Tangata Whenua

Indigenous Peoples


Te Ora Hou is an indigenous movement. It is primarily led by and for indigenous peoples.

In Aotearoa this means Māori lead the organisation and are the priority group to be considered in all activities of Te Ora Hou.

Mahi Tika

Social Justice

We are committed to doing what is just. We let the other aspects of our Mauri influence the things that we take action on. We work hard to promote non-violence and justice within all areas of our lives, and communities.


Jesus Centered


We look at the way Jesus lived and how he related to those around him as the example of true humanity. We find healing, truth and common-sense in the ways of Jesus and our relationship to Him – a relationship we are open to sharing with others.

We recognise that every person is created in the image of God and that the Spirit is at work in our lives, whanau and communities. We journey with others to realise both our individual and collective God-given potential.


Sustained Quality



Good quality relationships provide safety, belonging and a sense of being valued and appreciated. Te Ora Hou aims to strengthen positive connections between rangatahi and their whanau, peers, school and/or work, and cultural and geographic communities.

We encourage Te Ora Hou workers and rangatahi to be positively involved in each other’s lives outside of structured Te Ora Hou services and programmes.

We encourage one another to live a consistent life by maintaining healthy relationships within our own whānau, neighborhoods and work.


Generosity & Volunteerism


Being generous with our time, open to interruption and inconvenience – Te Ora Hou supports people who volunteer their time and energy in the service of others without expectation of personal gain.

We encourage the rangatahi we work with to develop similar values of giving and generosity with their time, talents and resources.




Te Ora Hou values learning opportunities both structured and unplanned.

We value learning for its contribution to the holistic development of self, whanau and community. We recognise that challenge is where growth comes from – and we invite others to constructively and honestly critique what we do.

We want to learn from the experiences we share and make the learning available to others to learn from as well.

Rangatahi, Whānau & Hapu

Young People, Families & Communities

Young people are where our expertise is – the group we engage with most are rangatahi aged 10-18 years.

We recognise that every rangatahi should be part of a whānau that cares about what happens to them – and we acknowledge the importance of strengthening healthy connections between rangatahi and their whānau, marae, hapu, iwi and communities.

Rangatahi usually reflect the priorities and values of the communities in which they develop – We recognise that each rangatahi and the communities they are part of have unique strengths and needs.

Clarifying the roles and responsibilities of rangatahi and the other significant people in their lives is an important process that we continue to support.

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